
Before I begin tonight's posting, I'd like to call attention to a new link I added to my Fav websites over there -----> on the side and down a little. *grin* It is There are some awesome looking shades there and if you get a minute, go check it out! It's worth the time, I promise.

Ok, on the the subject, memories. I guess every parent goes through it. You get older, your kids get older, grandbabies come. My first one, Tristan, is coming any day now. I find myself each year remembering when they were born, memories through the years, the things they did and said, the happy and omfg scary times. So, as I like to remember the memories, I wanted to share some with you.

I won't share birth stories because you'll have to wait for those. The order will be Monday, for my oldest son, Nov for oldest daughter, Feb for youngest daughter and April for youngest son. The last two will be flipped cause he was born in 91 and she in 94.

Ok, so they were awesomely cute kids! Don't believe me, take a look. This is my oldest son Kenny about a year old. Ain't he awesomely cute? *big, proud mama grin* I knew he was going to grow up and break some hearts, but I didn't know he'd become the spitting image of me!

So, here's my son all grown up, and yep, handsome as sin! He also married the love of his life Vanessa last year. I hope to meet her one day. I miss him being in Iraq but she misses him tons more than me! I think of them both everyday. I wish them many happy years, lots of anniversaries and a couple of grandkids for me. *grin*

Now to oldest daughter Heather and son Brent. Here they are, she's 4 yrs old and he was turning 3 yrs old a month later. The smiles are because they just got a new baby sister the week before. How cute are they?

Then, they went and grew up on me. I'm short, 5'2" and every one of them are taller than me. I still find myself a little disconcerted to have my children looming above me, but I wouldn't have it any other way. There she is just a week ago still carrying Tristan around.

Brent grew up to be bigger than I thought he'd be. He was such a skinny little kid. Then he hit about 16 and dang! He freaking shot up there! Not the best pic of me, but then, none are at this point. *giggles*

My "baby" girl Serena who is a gorgeous young woman. She will be a freshman in high school come August. *sigh* Just her and her brother in school now, he'll graduate next year. She was such a fat, happy baby. She's 6 months old here. We were at the causeway for some fun and water fun that day.

Now, oh my "baby" is not a baby anymore! She looks like me, like her sister, takes after me with that red hair, attitude. They both have.....all of them have LOTS of attitude!

Well, I shared memories of then and now, but wasn't that fun? I'll do actual memories tomorrow, and maybe a pic or two while I'm at it.