Memory Lane, Serena Part One

Last night I promised some memories of my kids. There are so many to choose from. What shall I tell first. Serena, my "baby" girl. I'll begin with what happened a few days after she turned three. This will be the only for tonight because it is quite a tale.

When she was three years old we lived in a 3 story apartment building. Of course we lived on the third floor. At the time we had Brent living with us too. They were in the bedroom playing with some toys and arguing, as all brothers and sisters do. I was in the livingroom doing some writing. I heard a fight break out and went to referee before someone got hurt. Dispute over the toy resolved I went back to the livingroom.

About one minute later I heard a noise I couldn't place and then a god awful racket. I knew immediately what that sound was. The fan had been knocked off the dresser. It was one of those oscillating fans and if it can't swivel it starts clacking. So, I go toward the bedroom and there is Brent standing just outside the door with the weirdest look on his face. I remember thinking, "Why does he look like that?" I had a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach suddenly though my mind wasn't registering that something was very wrong.

I step past him into the doorway and scanned the room. It was like time almost stopped, everything was in slow motion. I knew there was something missing and also there was something wrong with the window. In slow motion I cross the room still trying to figure out what was missing. It seemed like minutes before I got to the window. I lifted my left arm toward the window and extended it. My hand and part of my arm was outside now. How could that be? Where is the screen?

I am stopping here because it's too long to post it in one post. Come back tomorrow for the rest and no I don't enjoy torturing you.