Carried Away

I was given a not so subtle reminder today of my neglect of this blog. One of my best friends, G, has had her day thrown off track and she is suffering for it. I've been carried away writing articles. I am beginning to get a schedule for myself, a writing schedule that is, and will be switching my blogging time to earlier in the day. I don't want to be responsible for G's head exploding or anything. *waves at G and smiles* *waves at T and smiles, just in case she's reading*

It has been so hot and muggy here the past few days! Stepping outside and trying to breathe is hard. It's actually worse than trying to breathe pea soup, it's a bit like suffocating trying to draw enough air in. UGH! Highs have ranged from the low to high 90's. Today four record highs were broken. Three cities had a high of 100 or 101. That is without the heat index from humidity added in. With it added in, the temp was a balmy feels like 112 to 115 degrees! Holy cow.

You know it's too hot when my fur babies, lovers of things outdoorsy, will not go out at all. A first for sure and I can bet not a last either. I have never seen temps this high in June before. Yea global warming! *snort*

My sweet daughter Patience has now officially moved into the "OMG I am freaking bored!" stage. There's only so much drawing, reading, tv and video games one can indulge in before it begins to be repetitive. School hasn't been out for a month yet. It is going to be a verrrrry long summer.

On the baby front, we are still waiting. Tristan is about done cooking and will be making his appearance any day now. I talked to Flower two days ago and she has dropped. *big silly grin* Just like her momma, baby drops then says hello to the great big world within a week. I hope so anyway. *giggles* I still feel, quite strongly, she won't make it past the end of the month. If she makes it any further than next Sunday I'll be surprised.

Next Monday my oldest son is turning the big 2-1! Where has time gone? I miss him and wish he weren't "over there." I need to write him again and fill him in on the goings on around here. *sigh* Watch next Monday for the birth story of my firstborn. He had a bit of a rough start but grew into a fine, healthy young man who I am so proud of.