I Didn't Abandon You!

Sorry for the 2 day abandonment. Friday night I was on the phone with T...for four hours...but we accomplished a lot. *big grin* Hope your computer is better now T. It was almost 1:30 am, I wasn't going to even try to write a blog post at that late hour, or early hour.

Last night, I was occupied with articles. Two more articles on CRPS. The first is on CRPS's effects on bone and muscle. The second is the common tests people with CRPS have done. I have edited the first one about six times already and outlined the second pretty well. I seem to be having a problem with finding my words and putting them together where they make sense. In case you're thinking, "Karen, you're writing like you usually do. I don't see anything wrong with it." You must remember writing articles is not blogging. *chuckles* I can use as many, or as few words as I want here. The articles have to be tight, concise and to the point in an orderly fashion. I will revisit the bone and muscle article as soon as I am done here. I hope it's good enough to turn in tonight. I really am trying to do an article a day but so far haven't accomplished it.

In kitty news today, King Connor caught a lizard this afternoon. He likes the corner of the courtyard near the gate. In late afternoon lizards seem to gather there. I'm pretty sure it's because the sun heats up that part for a good part of the day. He pounced on that sucker and trotted off across the courtyard with a very smug look on his furry face. I could almost here him saying, "I'm the man, oh yeah, I am THE man!" *laughing* Of course Gil went out to do the "Catch and release" thing. He almost lost a hand to Connor for that. They hate when we make them let the buggies go. I think they assume we should let them eat the darn things. Ummm...I don't think so! EWWWW! ICK! GROSS!

That's the big excitement for the day. Well, besides my non-functioning brain. I do lead a very unexciting life. *sigh*