Phone Fun

It's day 4 of higher pain level. I'm tired of fighting it. A spot in my neck started hurting earlier and every breath I take stabs pain through that one spot. Oh, not to leave out the rest of my body which has various descriptions of pain everywhere.

My bestest friend in the whole world, well one of them, called me tonight. Checking in for her once every 3 months update and talking marathon. It was between 3 and 4 hours, our usual. *chuckles* I can't remember, but I'm sure we've talked longer. Only a dead phone could thus end the night. She distracted me, pulling me back from the brink of the abyss which threatened to swallow me. Nothing like friends to keep you going, even in the darkest hours.

There was much drama going on in my old neighborhood, her current one, tonight. The T-ster had a front row seat for it all. I could see in my mind, listening to the exchange going on. She of course had to describe this brave or stupid little oompa-loompa* facing down the giant known as Tree. It's a name which fits him. Every inch of Tree's 10 mile long legs, his head hovering somewhere in the heavens. I've often wondered if he's ever seen anything good up there. The T man, he could break the oompa-loompa in two like a twig. I believe he said later he was expecting the oompa-loompa to sock him in the family jewels any second! I am very glad that didn't happen though. Retribution would have been swift and bloody as the T-ster tore the stupid little man limb from limb.

We had lots of laughs and giggles when she found my post here, on googleing Blank needs and seeing what comes up. For your amusement I'm listing a few. *grins* T-ster needs a forever family, poor thing has been an orphan for so long now. *sniff* T-ster needs our prayers again. Yup, again. I'm starting to get weary of praying. They're never answered! T-ster needs to get her sails up and shake! See, even google knows she hasn't had her sails filled and body shook for too long now. T-ster need to consult with a fashion advisor. *snorts* No she does not!! She's supremely fashionable thankyouverymuch! On a slightly different one, T-ster gets her Mellons out!! *gasps* I see she's at it again. Little hussy always pulling her Mellons out. *tsk,tsk*

She so totally teased me with this.....

I could really use this mobile home. *drools* I don't think I would have any problems with feeling vibrations coming through the vehicle like I do in a normal car. Just the hour it takes to go the doc, get my scrips and go home again, raises my pain level so much I end up on the couch unable to do much for the next 2 or 3 days. I could see the world in this. *sighs* Since I'm a little short on cash at the moment, please feel free to donate to my I Need This Really Bad Pretty Please Fund. A few hundred *cough* million *cough* should cover it. *gives my best you know you wanna smile*

Thanks T-ster for making my night and getting me through.


luckychrmz70 said...

I like my "Donate to the poor white girl foundation" fund! It has served me well in the past! Now if it would serve me at this point in my life!