For Your Amusement

A blog post which gives you no truly useful information at all. You get to see the wonder that is my Big Brain at work as I skip from one random thought to another. I blather on skirting the edge of boring you all to death with my ramblings and assorted nonsense. *we now take a short commercial break so I can take my really good, make me feel less owie drugs medications which a real doctor prescribed me.* *insert a hysterical random commercial you love*

Your monitors are not broken, the color of the words really is black. I know, you're properly shocked, horrified and all OMG is she sick?!? No, not sick, I'm just fine but decided on a change of pace tonight. I can do that.(eta: While I was typing the words were black danggit!)

I I spent a very productive hour or so blog surfing tonight. I do believe I'm becoming addicted to find blogs I love and adding them to my blog list to the left. I found a few more tonight that made me laugh. My criteria for blogs being added to the list? They have to make me laugh. That's it. Does that make me some kind of humor addict? If so, then I'll proudly earn my chips. Hello, my name is Karen and I'm a humor addict! The room says in unison "Hi Karen! Tell us your story." I drone on about how it began innocently enough in childhood. Fighting parents and being witness to bouts of fisticuffs between them. No humor in this house! I sought out laughter and humor everywhere. As I grew, the addiction became worse. There was no stopping me. I didn't care how much I had to pay, I had to laugh!! Now, I'm here, vainly searching for support to make me a humorless person again. To be properly grown up and sober enough so when young children look at me they burst into tears. *insert lots of beseeching and please help me stuff here* That's all. *sits down**weak clapping with a slap on the back from a very large man in the chair next to mine*

Tell me, be brutally honest with me, do you all think my mind is totally warped? Seriously, I've always been a little "off" and I am totally proud of that fact. I know my mom and dad are equally as proud they raised such an off the wall wacko. With my family history I didn't have much of choice.

I've read in a few blogs on the www which talks about people typing words and phrases into Google and ending up on their blog. I'm now going officially crazy, the "They're coming to take you away Ha Ha, they're coming to take you away!" crazy as to how these people know what these words and phrases are!!!!!! Am I missing something? Is there a secret blog 'o verse I'm unaware of? A secret handshake I'm not "cool" enough to be privy to? If anyone out there knows The Secret, please clue me in! Pretty please....with sugar on top......yes, you can have ten cherries if you want. *grins*

I've seen the 100 Things About Me most people have. This is something I am going to do. I'm not sure how long it will take. You might see it pop up in the next two or three years, or so, because I'm not sure I know that many things. Or maybe I do and don't know it yet. *scratches head* *belches*

Now I've totally frustrated, bored, scared, confused, amused you to death at this point. I'll..........

Post one more thing! HA!!! You thought it was the end didn't you?!?!? *giggles uncontrollably*

*listens to the crickets chirping* ...... Ummmmmm...... That's it. Despite it's lack of stimulating content, this last part is one more thing! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *runs off snort laughing*


luckychrmz70 said...

Honey I knew you were warped when you joined our little group of misfits in high school! But we loved you then and continue to love your warped sense of humor today!