Is what I feel like I have!! I keep getting sidetracked and trying to do something else. I look at the time and it's flown by. I only wanted to put a slideshow up to show my grandson and tats. It wasn't working. I'm being told I have no public albums. Wrong! It is public. I checked and triple checked even. Now I must find an answer so I can get the slideshow up. It takes me 45 minutes with a completely dead brain to find the stupid answer!! It was so simple, but I had no way of knowing it was simple, so therefore I will not feel stupid. I feel even better knowing I'm not the only one who had no clue how to make the idiotic thing work!!!!! *sigh*

It took much longer than I thought to write my story of rsd for my friend's rsd website. My satisfaction comes from knowing everyone who reads it will come away from it with more understanding. At least I hope they will. For those with rsd, they will see they are not alone.

I'm beyond tired now. Tomorrow night I will post earlier and get you back to your regularly scheduled blog posting. I promise not to go all ADHD on you and end up telling you why I'm not posting a "regular" post for the night.

Look to the left beside this post and gaze upon the slideshow I finally freaking conquered! I'll add more photos to it tomorrow, errrr, later today for your viewing pleasure.