An Idea

I've been thinking of something for a few weeks now. I'm not sure anyone reading this will care but I care how it might impact my readers and think they should have a say. If you have an opinion on this idea of mine please don't hesitate to leave a comment on this post telling me what you think. So.......

I noticed when starting this blog and checking out the things you can do an interesting option. The option is called AdSense. This gadget is an advertising program run by Google which enables a person to put content-relevant ads on the blog. The ads generate money on a per-click basis. That it slightly misleading because a person does not choose which ads to put on the page, the program chooses which ads are displayed by the words or phrases that come up most in the blog itself.

I discuss quite a few different things in my blog so assume it'll be a little more diverse than just pain-rsd-medical type stuff. At lease I hope so. The per-click basis thing kind of bothers me as well. I take that to mean in order to get income from these ads they need to be clicked on by others. That by no one clicking on these links I won't make a dime.

I don't know how much money this would generate per month either. Would these ads just take away from my blog and be nothing more than a nuisance to everyone? I'm sure having them on the page would take up room and shift the posts a bit toward the left but how much? So many unanswered questions. I really don't want to annoy everyone and make it unpleasant to come here. I don't want attention to be focused on the ads or divided between the ads and my posts. I want people to enjoy coming to my blog and be able to read the words I type. I suppose IF it generated decent money that the slight inconvenience would be worth it, to me. I'd be able to bring in money and help us get back on our feet again.

Clearly I'm quite torn about it. I just don't know if the ads would just piss everyone off, including me, or even if they'd generate any money at all and if they did would it be enough to justify "littering" my blog with the ads?!?

Sorry I've rambled on this long about it. I thought maybe writing it out would help but it just brought up more questions. *sigh* So I'll get off here now. My left wrist is really hurting me now. Feel free to give me your thoughts on this. It's not just MY blog, it's our blog in a way. I am, after all, writing this for you to enjoy.


luckychrmz70 said...

I come to read about you! The ads won't bother me, if they make you money go for it!

Moody1 said...

well i do read about you and your life but everyone needs money especially you guys, ilove your posts and anticipate them everyday..kinda worry when you dont post hoping that everything is ok.then get excited when i see you have make my day...thanks.