My Laughing Day

I've spent a good portion of the night laughing so hard I had tears in my eyes. On TLC they were running the shows on the Duggars. I wanted to look at something and ended up on MSNBC reading the story they had done. I love to sit down sometimes and read the things people have to say about certain stories. Regarding this family it was livelier than most! What really got me going though, was the interaction between 3 people. OMG What a hoot!! Of course what was being written about at times went waaaaaayyyyy off the Duggar family. Not that I cared though because it was hysterical.

Speaking of that family though.....I believe having that many children is just wrong. Having a chart to write chores for the children on is a good thing, but to have to write down on the same calendar things like personal hygiene and one on one time with mom and dad, just goes too far. They should ALL already know to brush their teeth, take a bath, brush their hair, etc without having to consult a calendar!!!!! You know you have TOO many kids when they have to "schedule" time with you!!! OMG! I know I'm not the only one who finds that disturbing. I think it's just ridiculous to keep having kids until your uterus falls out or one day you look down and see a white flag being waved at you by your uterus as a sign of surrender! *laughing so hard at my own analogy I can barely type* I just kill me sometimes!

A couple of people said, "just because you CAN, doesn't mean you SHOULD!!" I totally agree with that sentiment. Having the older children raise their little siblings is wrong to me. That should be the mom and dad's job not the other kids. I was looking at their pictures and seeing 2 of the older girls carrying their newborn sister in a carrier on their chest while doing housework really upset me. Why the hell isn't mom the one carrying HER baby???? You never see any of the kids bickering or squabbling with each other. The little ones never cry or throw a tantrum. THAT , IMO, is really unnatural. Some other things get me going too but I'll stop here.

What shall we talk about now? *ponders* OH! The kitties are going to LOVE this whole week and then some! We can shut the a/c off and leave the house open. WOOT!!!!! Our first real cold front is taking the temps down! A couple of nights it's be in the low 50's even. Wow! I love the cooler weather and gladly embrace the bit of extra pain this will cause me. I love winter and always have. I also love winter because there's not as much daylight. :-D Yup...I'm a vampire. LOL I shrink away from the sunlight whimpering "It hurts, it hurts". ROFL