Yes, I know....

You were thinking, there she goes again, Karen is MIA! Nope, I'm here just having brain difficulties a bit more than usual. I lost my writing mojo for a few days but it's coming back. I have turned in 3 articles recently that are awaiting offers. I'm hoping to get another one done tonight. I started it, now I just have to finish it.

Speaking of writing, I started another blog. It's my writing blog, about well...writing! That is where I'm going to put my struggles, ups, downs, etc, progress and stats of my AC articles. I'll also include other things when I branch out and write for other sites too. The blog is Karen's Writing Blog. I'll include the link over there under my favorite websites as well. Done, link is now on the list.

I tried starting my writing blog at WordPress but man that site is complicated with a capital C!! I deleted it and came over here. Blogger is a site I'm comfortable with, I know how to upload new themes and play with widgets, all the good stuff.'s not raining every single day. We've had a couple of storms but thankfully it's remained mostly sunny once again. We have different names for Florida. Officially, it's the Sunshine State and most of the time it lives up to that name. When rainy season hits we should be named The Storm State, The Stormy State, The Rainy State, take your pick. During August and September, it should be The Hurricane State, or The Plywood State. I'm partial to the second name myself. I'm grateful we've had no hurricanes since '04 and Oct of '05. They make my pain go way up.

Shanni continues to escape the courtyard and run free. She's usually chasing lizards when she breaks out. Every time she goes, no matter the reason, she is punished. There are plenty of lizards in the courtyard for her to grab and mutilate, she doesn't need to go anywhere. Why can't she learn from Connor who is a good fur baby? *sigh* I still love her anyway, even though she drives me crazy most of the time.

The day gets closer to seeing my grandson. Her "official" due date is July 6th but as with all pregnancies, it could be any day now. I worry how she'll handle having a real live baby. This certainly won't be a doll she can just dress up and tote around saying "Look at me, I got my own baby now!" That's been her attitude for the most part since she found out she was pregnant.

Her latest thing is, "I wanna get a puppy for Tristan." *rolls eyes, sighs heavily and tries not to rip hair out* Grrrrrr. I let fly on her for that one. She has no money, no job, the daddy works here and there. I asked her, "How the hell are you doing to afford a puppy? They are very expensive. There are vet bills and heartworm meds that need to be given every month." I said a lot more than that but you get the gist. Yeah, a newborn and a puppy is a good idea when you have no money and you don't even have your own place to live. I swear she has no brains sometimes. I'm worried how the hell she'll afford to keep Tristan in diapers, never mind all the other stuff of daily living!

That's the updates for now. I'm going to go and get some work done.