Writing and Pictures

Writing is going very well. I'm steadily adding to my big book of writing topics everyday. At this rate I will never run out of things to write about. Yea me! I have never thought I'd run out of topics anyway. There is too many things to address out there in the world. Toss in personal experiences and there's even more. I had two articles offered for today and should be published tomorrow. Stay tuned for the announcement. The surprising part is the effects on bone and muscle article is the one I turned in two days ago! In just over two months I've never had an article accepted that quickly. I'm silently counting my blessings because I know that will never happen again. *chuckles* Another writer on the site also had hers accepted within a couple of days.

Ok, let's move on to the pictures part. I came across some pictures I took a few weeks ago when I first began to play around with the camera. For your enjoyment, I am sharing them with you tonight. *grin* I played a bit pointing my camera through this vine bush in our courtyard. I love purple and every afternoon these flowers bloom on it.

Of course the day would not be complete without a picture or two of my fur babies. They are so cute and irresistible. How could you ever resist that 15 lb ball of furry cuteness? He is a BIG boy that's for sure. We're unsure if he's done growing yet or not. He's mostly Maine Coon and they don't finish growing until between the ages of 3 to 5 years old! He just turned a year old last month and in a little over half an hour he will be 1 year and 1 month old. We'll see if he grows some more or not.

Shanni girl, my boo, the Queen of the household. She's gotten a bit bitchy in her old age. *snorts* She's only 3 years old which is 29 years, 8 months old in human years. She's far from old in either realm but she acts like a nasty old lady. She is 12 lbs. and also mostly Maine Coon. She stopped growing around 2 years old. It's obvious the bit of domestic cat in her dictated her growth, yet she's on target for a female Maine Coon weight. If Connor has another year, I shiver at the thought of how big he may get. He's already HUGE! He's around the weight of a male Maine Coon now. Most sites I've read say a male can get to 18 to 20 lbs fully grown. Knowing that, he's 3 lbs off the low end right now.

I want to end this posting with a word about the Air France Flight 447 plane which crashed. My heart and thoughts go out to every one of the families who are grieving a child, husband, brother, sister, whoever they may have been to someone else, they were loved. Sending much needed strength to the loved one also to get through the days to come.