Mother's Day

Mother's day was good. After Gil got off work he went to pick up my oldest daughter, her boyfriend and my youngest son to bring them here for a little while. I got to feel my grandson Tristan kicking for the first time! *has a super silly big grin on my face that blinds all who look my way* It was sooooo awesome! I took three pics of her belly too. I'll add those to my Flickr tomorrow when I download them and resize them. She is 32 weeks now. I can't believe how close she is getting to having Tristan. She's not as big as I thought she would be either. I have other pics of her belly she's posted, so it's not like I haven't seen her belly before. It's different seeing it in person. I'm revising my estimated birth weight down. I thought he'd most likely weigh over 7 lbs, but I'm thinking it may be 6 lbs something. I was 6 lbs 9 oz at birth. I have guess it may be around that. I still have this deep feeling he'll be born at the end of next month.

My pain thankfully stayed away all day and just began to climb a couple of hours ago. Oh, almost forgot, I'll post a pic in the post tomorrow of my Mother's day present. I really hope other RSD mommies had a low pain day too. We certainly deserve a break on our special day.

I have a swing and baby bath for Tristan now. I have a crib, car seat, soft foam changing pad and 3 crib sheet sets coming. I'm set for the little man when he's here. I'm going to buy wipes, bath stuff, bottles and other assorted baby needs every week. She won't have to bring anything but diapers and formula for him. She won't even need that if I can stock up and/or buy them ourselves.

I'm not feeling very creative tonight. I am having a lot of trouble thinking of words and how to string them together. I really hate I have a problem like this. RSD really sucks! At times like this I feel around 80 years old. Not just any 80 year old, but one with dementia and Alzheimer's. *sigh* I'm going on 40 and feel as if I'm falling apart.


luckychrmz70 said...

Happy Belated Mother's Day to you! I'm glad you had alow pain day as I did not, I think I picked up your pain along the way! LOL! I stayed on the couch all day with my ankle and arms hurting from the crutches, the pain pills didn't even help! SO I'm happy you had a great day with family! Love ya!