Another Language

I'm diving back into learning more cherokee again. :-D I began my journey to learn the language of my ancestors a couple of years ago. I learned a lot and am diving back into the wonderful, expressive world of words for more. It's a very easy language to learn too which is a big plus! There aren't many "rules" like with the english language and once you get down the basic sounds, it's all downhill from there! LOL

I hope to keep learning and get more proficient so I can teach my grandchild to speak it as well. I want him/her to be bilingual. *smiles big* Not that he/she will be speaking Cherokee to many people but that's not the point. The big point is not letting the language die out. It took a beating when the whites said, don't speak that filthy heathen language, English only! *snorts* Yeah...whatever!!! It's a beautiful language and very simple. Many of the elders have died and more dying each day. When they're gone, they take with them history of the language and people. Lucky for us though, it won't die out with them but continue to live on with those of us who are proud to call ourselves Cherokee (Tsalagi). I'll probably never be an "official" member of the Cherokee Nation but I'm nonetheless Cherokee in body,blood,heart and soul.

It's been a decent day for me. Not a whole lot of pain and my fur babies behaved themselves....for a change. I should say, Ms. Shanni Fuzzy Butt, behaved herself for once! LOL She can be quite a handful now that she figured out she can go over the fence to get out. *sigh*

It feels so nice outside and I sooo enjoy having the house open day and night. Despite having the ac off for over a month now, I didn't see a big difference in our recent electric bill. I'm hoping the next bill will be a lot less! Right now we're behind on everything and need our electric bill to be as small as possible while we get caught up. It's times like this I'll feel a sense of despair over everything and also feel as if we'll never be able to catch up. I know we will, but some days it's difficult to maintain an optimistic attitude. Most of all at this point I want to get caught up on our own and not have to, yet again, spend our whole tax return money paying off all our bills. For once I'd like for all 3 of us to take a bit of the money and buy something we want. To also be able to leave the rest sitting in the bank as a boost toward saving money and/or a cushion in the checking account. I'll just have to do what I can and hope it'll be different this time with the tax return. Even if it's not.....that's ok too.

Alrighty...guess I've droned on enough, so am going to skedaddle out of here for now.