My Articles

I have achieved publication! *big grin* Sometimes I hate the wait. At long last, the awareness articles you've been waiting anxiously for!

Myasthenia Gravis Awareness, Aphasia Awareness, David Carradine-Suicide or Murder? you decide. Here are two new CRPS articles. This one is the Effects on Bone and Muscle, read what it does or can do to some. Last one, I swear! This is on the 4 most common diagnostic tests those of us with CRPS have done, Diagnostic Tests. They're really for everyone in a way because people get these tests done every day.

Now I have thoroughly flaunted the Shameless Hussy side of me, we shall move on to other topics which may or may not thrill you. I never make promises.

I am going to dive into the wide world of Squidoo! I realized tonight I have many bits of knowledge to put out there. Not only in my articles, or my blog, but in lenses. There is so much you can do with them. I love the ability to add pictures and a bazillion other things to engage the reader. I am a creativity Goddess, so it makes sense to expand my world. It's also a great way to showcase my Shameless Hussy, the articles I write to further educate the masses on CRPS, home remedies and the other topics I am going to write. I have two home remedy articles in the queue which I hope will be out in a few days. Nothing gets done on the weekend, so we'll see what happens on Monday and after.

I've been totally lazy today and have not written an article yet. I will write two before I got to sleep. No, I won't turn them in. When I say write, that's what I mean. I will write them and the editing, touch-up part and general fiddling comes tomorrow so I don't end up making HUGE mistakes. It also helps me not to end up having my article suck so bad I create a vacuum in time and space. It makes it hard to breathe when that happens. Death usually follows. *grins* Aren't I cheery? Yeah, that's me, Miss Cheerful scattering Rainbows and Blossoms wherever I go. *the image of it makes me shrink away in horror*

Oh, I was busy wrapping the Cloak of Misery around me last night and forgot to tell you a tale. The tale of a woman who is proud of her work. She has doubts and fears but is conquering them one at a time. She feels useful for the first time in many years. She is making money writing and she has always loved to write.

This woman waited until she had some articles published, building a small, modest library which she would unveil to her father with all the flourish of a magician revealing the disappearing lady. With butterflies beating at her insides, she produced the link to her writings. She felt as nervous as a kindergartner on the first day of school. What would he think? Would he like them? Would he give her lukewarm praise just to humor her? The most important question to her was, would he finally gain some understanding about her disorder?

She waited anxiously for a letter from her father. She expected a pat on the head and braced herself for some rather patronizing words. She waited, and waited, and waited some more. The woman had made a fatal mistake. She forgot in her excitement to protect her heart and her feelings. She waits in vain it seems for even one word from him. Silly of her to have gotten her hopes up. Hasn't she learned by now he doesn't care? Maybe from this day forward she will remember this lesson. Stop hoping for something that does not exist outside of fairy tales. Too many days have gone by. Anything offered to her now will be hollow, without meaning, and nothing but an afterthought. It is not as if she asked him to read one hundred different pieces.

The moral of the story? No matter how many times you want something to be different, it never will be. You think you can't be hurt by someone, only to find out the knife still has the ability to slice you to the bone.