Coping With RSD-Part 2

To continue last night's positivity and tips for coping with RSD. Life is hard but it doesn't have to be miserable. I struggle with the bad days like everyone else. Anyone with chronic pain walks a fine line between doing just enough and doing too much. Overdoing it leads to more pain and a few very miserable days. There is also a fine line between living the best life you can and saying to hell with it while letting the beast take over your life.

I not a depressed type person and never have been. I don't think any less of the ones who deal with depression. We all have ways of processing and handling the life we find ourselves in now. One very important thing I do for myself every month is I do wallow in it. I throw myself a big old-fashioned pity party. *grin* Yup, I take the day to wonder, ask what if, bitch and moan about the pain and RSD in general. I pamper myself more than usual and eat more junk food than normal. Unlike other people though I don't worry about weight. Due to my very weird, backward bodily systems I keep losing it and can't gain half an ounce no matter what I eat! But Pity Party Day is not the day to worry about that. If you want to give it another name, go ahead. It can an All About Me Day, a RSD Bashing Day, a Life Totally Sucks and Why Do I Have to Hurt so Darn Much Day! Let your imagination run away with naming and mark your calenders.

Meditation and visualization. I have done both of these things for a very long time. When the Beast hit me, I tried to keep it up. It's freaking hard to hold a thought most days much less zen out and walk across a black sand beach in my mind. I used to think I'd never do it again and came ><>